Monday Oct 16, 2023

The Power of ThetaHealing®, with Tammy Waldron

In today's episode, I am joined by Tammy Waldron as we discuss ThetaHealing® and the power it has for healing.  Through out the episode I share my own personal experience receiving a ThetaHealing® session with Tammy and the impacts it's had on my life. 


Topics covered in episode include:

1. Parallels of IFS and ThetaHealing® 

2. Tammy's personal story and the impact of being adopted

3. History of ThetaHealing® 

4. What is ThetaHealing® 

5. The 3 avenues of ThetaHealing® 

6. Muscle testing to connect to our subconscious

7. Downloading

8. The 4 levels of belief carrying in ThetaHealing® 

9. Tammy leads listeners through a guided meditation to get to a Theta brain wave state


Tammy founded Towanda Wellbeing in 2021 with a desire to guide people to find their inner peace and empowering people to live into their best selves. Her ThetaHealing® journey began in 2014, and today she is an Advanced ThetaHealing® Teacher, Practitioner, and holistic coach guided by a lifetime of exploring spiritual, self-help, and leadership texts that have facilitated her own knowledge and growth along the way.  As an adoptee, Tammy’s life situation, heritage, and feelings were guideposts along her own journey toward self-discovery, self-love, to self-actualization.  Her strategies provide opportunities for people to discover and anchor into their true selves and embody well-being in their thoughts and actions. This is a guided path of teaching, personal contemplation, and deep meditation.


Tammy Waldron Resources:



Upcoming Events:

Text/Voicemail: (419) 705-6714

Instagram: @towandawellbeing


Natalie Deering Resources:



Instagram: @nataliedeering


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